another 4 weeks have passed and we are now into the final two months before the summer break. this coming four weeks will bring us to May 21st and our members' workshop is scheduled for tuesday 28th followed by our final 4 weeks (June term starting on the 4th June to the 25th).
the second of our members workshop consist of a 90 minute including movement, breathing & stretching working on the upper body finishing with a lovely relaxation. Spaces are limited to please let me know if you can make it.
if we have enough numbers to go ahead for June we will, so please let me know your thoughts if you haven't already so I can book in the date and plan ahead. your booking link is below you can book for the 4 weeks of May or both May & June together so 9 weeks in total including our workshop in between. if you are mid way through an 8 week block no need to book in for this month as you are already paid and place secured, all you need to do is confirm if you are here for June.
Thanks Sarah